•  Add your name to your projects
•  Save Photoshop projects as PSD and JPG
•  Save Bryce projects as BR7 and [Save Image As] JPG
•  Save Sculptris projects as SC1 and JPG and export it as an OBJ.
•  Save Rhino projects as 3DM and JPG
•  Save Flash projects as FLA and go to FILE>PUBLISH SETTINGS and publish as SWF and JPG
•  Upload finished projects to your portfolio and/or your DeviantArt page
•  Keep checking your grade on PowerSchool
Download Bryce 5 Trial Version
Download Sweet Home 3D
Download Rhino 3D 5.0 Trial Version
Download Sculptris
Download Windows Movie Maker 2.6
Download Java JDK
Download Greenfoot

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sweet Home 3D: Importing Floor Plans

Yesterday we finished working on our Sweet Home 3D house design. You should have taken several "photos" of your house and uploaded them to your portfolios. We also got grade printouts and corrected any errors or missing assignments that weren't uploaded.

Today we are going to continue using Sweet Home 3D, but we will be importing a pre-made floor plan.  You can locate floor plans from a variety of locations on the web.  One place to find nice plans is -- a site which includes the ability to search for single stories, a certain number of bedrooms, etc.  Another way to find plans is to do a Google Search.  The important thing to remember is that you will need a plan with some measurements so we can correctly scale our models.

We will import the base floor plan, set the origin point [to the upper left], draw the walls, add doors and windows, and then decorate and furnish our house.

When finished, we will post the floor plan and "photos" of our completed model.

  1. Locate a floor plan with dimensions and save the image to your Thawspace
  2. Open Sweet Home 3D
  4. Select the image (floor plan) you saved in step 1
  5. If the image looks correct, click CONTINUE
  6. Adjust the blue line to span across a room with known dimensions (i.e. a room that is 10'6")
  7. Enter the number of inches your line represents (in the example 10'6" would be 126)
  8. When asked for the Origin Points just leave it at 0,0 and click CONTINUE
  9. Draw the walls as indicated on your floor plan
  10. Create rooms using the Room Tool
  11. Add windows and doors
  12. Add colors/textures to the walls, doors, windows, ground, sky, etc.
  13. Lock your "Base Plan" to prevent changes
  14. Furnish your house
  15. Make necessary adjustments (you may need to unlock the base plan)
  16. Begin creating "photos" of various locations / points of interest in your house
  17. Add your floor plan and photos of your house to your portfolio


  1. We are pleased by the details you have posted on your blog, and I have enjoyed reading this information for future reference. Contribute a great deal! Learn something about Floor Plan. Floor Plans & Home Plans
