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Monday, April 28, 2014

Rhino: Tissue Box

Today we will be putting together a tissue box in Rhino using exact dimensions and a new "loft" technique to join two curves together.  We will also use the "bend" command to adjust a tissue emerging from the box.
  1. Begin your project as "Small Object - Inches"
  2. Create a box shape with the exact dimensions of a tissue box
    1. Our example box is:  ______" wide by ______" long by ______" high.
  3. You can lightly fillet the edges if you would like a little bit of rounded edge
  4. Draw a curve [in the top viewport] which will be the open space on the top of the box.
  5. Extrude the curve to go through the box top, then cap it to make a solid shape.
  6. Do a Boolean Difference, keeping the box and using the new shape as your cutting object.
  7. Create a box inside the main box [make sure it's not touching any of the edges]
  8. Do a Boolean Difference, keeping the outer box and using the inner box as the cutting object.
  9. Draw a curvy line which will be the top of the tissue and drag it up above the tissue box
  10. Draw a curvy line which will be the bottom of the tissue and drag it toward the bottom of the box
  11. Draw a shorter straight line which will be the exit point for your tissue.
  12. Deselect everything and type "Loft"
  13. Select all 3 curves (the lines we will be using for the tissue) and press Enter.
  14. Bend your tissue until it looks fairly natural.
  15. Apply textures and transparencies to taste.  :)

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